My daughter lost her tooth three days ago, and the tooth fairy still hasn’t left any money. To give a little context, my girls do not believe in the tooth fairy, but she is a fun game we play. The game is to try to catch mom in the act of taking the tooth. They haven’t caught me yet :)
Every morning my daughter asks at breakfast why the tooth fairy hasn’t taken her tooth yet. I casually ask if she has the tooth under her pillow where the tooth fairy can get it. A sneaky smile spreads across her face and she takes another bite without comment.
We both know that she has hidden her tooth somewhere in her room where the tooth fairy will never find it. I may or may not be scavenging every nook and cranny each day while she’s at school.
I try to tell her that she won’t get any money if she hides her tooth. The tooth fairy has better things to do than look all over and find it. It is my daughter’s job to make sure she puts it in the right place under her pillow. Truthfully, she doesn’t really want the money. She wants to prove she is smarter than the tooth fairy.
I am happy to report that the tooth fairy received some leaked intelligence that led to the successful discovery of the tooth, and the monetary exchange was successful. My daughter has yet to acknowledge this victory on the tooth fairy’s part.
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24, NIV
We treat God like a tooth fairy sometimes. We say we want God to take away a certain temptation, to show us how to follow Him faithfully, or to reveal the sin in our lives. But it’s like praying for patience- we want the end reward without the actual process of getting there.
We want to be free from sin without delving into its depths. We hide it away where no one will know it exists and hope it just disappears. We hope the money will show up under our pillow without actually having to give up our tooth.
Withholding part of our lives from God is a form of control, an attempt at self-preservation, because we can’t handle the shame of fully acknowledging our failures. But when we play this game with God, we steal the glory of His victory.
My daughter couldn’t give the tooth fairy credit for finding the tooth because she wouldn’t admit to hiding it. In the same way, we can’t express true gratitude for God’s forgiveness unless we own up to our complete failure.
In order to feel the weight of sin lift off our shoulders, we have to first pile it on and recognize it. We must stop hiding our shortcomings and ask God to search our hearts and unveil the pride, selfishness, judgment, and hypocrisy breeding there.
It is only when He reveals these ugly truths and we relinquish them to Him can we breathe freely in His abounding grace. There is no condemnation in His love, it is freely given to all no matter what the offense. What a gift!
Will we try to outsmart God? Will we try to prove we don’t need Him? Or will we cast our cares and sins upon Him and receive the reward He freely offers?
Father, thank you for your gift of overwhelming grace. I don’t want to play games and pretend to need you. I want to see my failures for what they are so that the glorious wonder of your forgiveness is evident in me. Search my heart and show me what I need to surrender to you. I give you all the credit for the work you have done in my life!
Do I really want grace? Am I willing to see my faults clearly and acknowledge my need for it?
Want to step away and spend time with God?
Join us for the Daughters First Retreat in March!
This retreat is for Christian women writers, speakers, podcasters, ministry leaders, and creatives who pour into others on a regular basis and need a place to fill up spiritually.
It is in Colorado Springs at Glen Eyrie Castle (Yes, a LEGIT CASTLE!)
We will step away for a few days to remember that before we are leaders, mothers, teachers, and writers, we have only one identity that is eternal: Daughters of the King!
Will you dedicate some time and space to seeking Jesus? We can’t do His work without His direction, and this is a wonderful opportunity to do that with a group of incredible sisters in Christ. I hope you will join us!!!
Thanks for reading this week’s devotion! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
See you next week. God Bless!
I loved this analogy.
Great story! 😂 and such a good application. Thanks for sharing!